PS. basic invention
Power Supply Device for Starting Engines
Background of Related Arts or Sciences
Car batteries supply electricity to engine devices, e.g. the starter and engine start-up system for function as the engine is running. Batteries also supply power to facilitating devices, e.g. lighting systems and stereos.
A car battery is not a power generator. It stores reserved electrical power used to start an engine. Once the engine is started and running, the alternator, a device for generating electrical power, begins to function. As the engine is running, the alternator supplies power to devices like lighting and stereo systems. If the alternator performs well or runs fast, leftover power will be sent to the battery for storage until it is full. Thus, the most important implication of this invention concept is that the battery supplies power when the engine starts by supplying power to start the motor and ignition system. Once the engine is started and running, the alternator continuously charges power into the battery, i.e. the power is sent out and charged back and forth from the battery.
Two car battery types are available, i.e. wet and dry batteries. Wet batteries require re-filling and monitoring of distilled water. The usage life of wet batteries is approximately one or two years depending on workload. Dry batteries that require no distilled water re-filling also last approximately one or two years, depending upon the workload. Car batteries contain lead and acid as key elements. The battery must be in an upright position at all times and must be stored in a well ventilated area due to the hydrogen gas occurring from the lead-acid reaction in the battery. These batteries are heavy and not environmentally friendly.
First, the lead and acid used in manufacturing car batteries are very environmentally unfriendly. Expired batteries are toxic waste with potential hazards for humans and the environment.
Second, car batteries are costly in comparison to their usage life a d require regular maintenance. For these reasons, battery owners change new batteries only when the batteries are no longer able to function, i.e. the batteries are no longer capable of starting engines. However, such occurrencestend to come unexpectedly during car use and make it difficult to find replacement batteries.
Third, car batteries are heavy, bulky and have a low usage life of approximately two years, depending upon workload, and additional costs are incurred in finding new replacement batteries.
Fourth, a re-chargeable battery, or what is called a secondary cell, takes at least four to ten hours to recharge.
The power supply device for starting engines in this invention was made according to the concept that the battery only puts out power when the engine is being started, and once the engine is running the alternator supplies power to the electrical system in the car. Thus, the use of power from sources other than batteries, especially, environmentally friendly power sources, e.g. power from rechargeable batteries and super capacitors, to start cars is the aim of this invention.
Brief Description of Invention Characteristics and Goals
This Power Supply Device for Starting Engines involves methods for starting engines as engines of vehicles and, in particular, it involves the method using a minimum of one or more rechargeable batteries, such as lithium iron phosphate batteries, nickel metal hydride batteries, lithium-ion batteries, sealed lead acid batteries, which have sizes considerably smaller than conventional lead-acid batteries and use little energy, for transferring power to a super capacitor until the super capacitors have sufficient power to start the engine. The key is that the power will be released quickly within a short period of time for use in starting the engine. Once the engine has been started, the alternator, which has a part connected to the super capacitors, will generate power to replace the power previously released within a period of two to five seconds until the super capacitor has sufficient power to start the engine at the next time. A part of the super capacitor will also be connected to the balancer, which has characteristics of being an LED light bulb to indicate whether the super capacitor is fully charged and whether the current of electricity is regular in order for the super capacitor to be a source of energy in starting the engine the next time. The cycle then repeats itself.